Spring Fling Replacement Heifer Sale 5-27-22

70 Commercial Brahman 15 British and Continental Crosses 290 Brahman and Brangus Crosses Including 5 American Reds 25 Registered Hereford and SimAngus TM Heifers have been selected for overall quality, structural correctness, and performance from top herds in the South. All heifers will be guaranteed pregnant on sale day with Fall calves. Heifers will be sold in uniform lots of 2 to 5 head. www.blackbeltcattlemarketing.com email: sales@blackbeltcattlemarketing.com Lisa Kriese-Anderson (334) 539-2129 Jeremy May (334) 341-0834 Contact Us for Additional Information R E P L ACEME N T F EMA L E SA L E F R I DAY , MAY 2 7 , 2022 1 1 : 0 0 A . M . A L A B AMA L I VE S TOCK MAR K E T UN I ON TOWN , A L 70 Commercial Br hman 15 Bri ish and Continental Crosses 290 Brahman and Brangus Crosses Including 5 American Reds 25 Registered Hereford and SimAngus TM